
Longevity action log

🎤 Talk @ – ’Advocating for Longevity’

July 17th 2024
July 9th 2024
June 10th 2024

📺 Interviewed in TV4 – ”Niklas & Verkligheten”

May 28th 2024
June 4th 2024

🧠 Counselor at LBF4 in Spain

15-19th May 2024

🎙️Hosted 6th Speaker Series / Sara Hägg

May 7th 2024
April 21st 2024
April 20th 2024

🎙️ Hosted 4th Speaker Series / Mark Hamalainen

April 9th 2024
March 18th 2024

🎙️ Hosted 2nd Speaker Series / Aubrey de Grey

March 5th 2024

🎙️Hosted 1st Speaker Series / Nathan Cheng

20th Feb 2024

🎤 Longevity Pitch Night No 2. Video & LinkedIn

Feb 15th 2024
Feb 1st 2024

🌟 Longevity Winter Retreat. Co-organized with LBFDay 0Day 1 and Day 2

Jan 18-21st 2024
Dec 7th 2023

🎤 Keynote @ SIME 2023 ’The Longevity Revolution

Nov 21st 2023

🌟 Co-hosted SIME Breakout Session on longevity

Nov 20th 2023

🎙️ Talk @ EA meeting. ’Why you should work on aging’

Nov 18th 2023

✍️ Intervju by Fredrik Härén ’Annus mirabilis for Longevity

Nov 18th 2023

🧠 Advisor to startup on longevity matters

Nov 2023

📰 Profile in Dagens Industri (DI) ’Han ska ta fram läkemedel mot ålderdomen’

Nov 9th 2023

🎙️ 1st Longevity Pitch Night. Hosted at Epicenter Sthlm

Oct 25th 2023

🎤 Hosted ’Longevity Coaching’ with Victor Björk

Oct 19th 2023

🦁 Tech Safari. Talk at Länsförsäkringar via TimeTraveller

Oct 4th 2023
Sept 2023
July 2023

✍️ SubStack. I periodically write @LongevitySweden

Aug 2023

👨🎓 ARDD 2023. Attended worlds largest longevity conference

Aug 2023

👨🏫 Master Class on The Science of Aging in Swedish

July 2023

👨🎓 Longevity Med Summit. Attended conference in Lisbon, Portugal

May 3-5th 2023

🎤 Keynote @ Epicenter ’Aging as a Disease

Nov 30th 2021

🎤 Talk @ AFRY ’The End of Aging’

June 16th 2021

📻 Radio intervju. Sveriges radio. ’Uppkopplad: om döden och åldrande’

Jan 1st 2018
March 19th 2017
Apr 7th 2015