Book Release

Läkemedel mot Åldrande

En populärvetenskaplig bok om hur åldrande kan bringas under medicinsk kontroll – och varför vi bör göra det. 

Book Release

Läkemedel mot Åldrande

En populärvetenskaplig bok om hur åldrande kan bringas under medicinsk kontroll – och varför vi bör göra det. 


Läkemedel mot Åldrande

En populärvetenskaplig bok om hur åldrande kan bringas under medicinsk kontroll – och varför vi bör göra det. 

Book Release

Läkemedel mot Åldrande - 30e maj

En populärvetenskaplig bok om hur åldrande kan bringas under medicinsk kontroll – och varför vi bör göra det. 


Linus Petersson

I’m co-founder of the Swedish Longevity Cluster. Expert on Longevity and Pharma. I do:

  • Public speaking. Keynotes and talks on longevity
  • Startup guidance within longevity
  • Career guidance on longevity 


I’ve been active in the longevity space for 20 years and keep an action log with previous activities.

The best places to interact with me are Linkedin or X (Twitter).

action log


Oct 23rd 2024

🎤 Talk @ ’Sockerfria dagen

Oct 12th 2024

action log


🎤 Speaking engagement Länsförsäkringar in Tylösand

🎙️ Podcast ’Wired for Success’. Listen via Apple or here

👨🎓 Attended ARDD 2024 🇩🇰 – world’s largest longevity conference

🎤 Talk @ ZuVillage in Georgia 🇬🇪

🎤 Talk @ – ’Advocating for Longevity’


Solving Aging

Aging is objectively *the* largest cause of disease, death and suffering. Fortunately, recent scientific breakthroughs gives us the opportunity to significantly extend healthy lifespan. Let’s do it! Let’s solve aging. 

The future

In a few decades it will likely become possible to target aging via new medications. ’Cure’ aging, if you will.

Research into the molecular mechanisms of aging has accelerated tremendously in recent years and exceeded all expectations. Since the 2010s, we have had a sufficiently good scientific understanding to start developing these medicines.

This has led to an explosion of new biotech companies. Of particular note are Googles’ Calico Labs and Jeff Bezos’ Altos Labs, both with world-leading researchers and billions of dollars in capital. In 2012 there wasn’t a single longevity company, now there are over 180.


The term ’longevity’ has become synonymos with the quest to extend healthy lifespan. 



Why a cluster?

Today we can only begin to imagine how society will change. To ensure a good future this revolution needs to be more widely known. An inclusive societal debate is needed.

Basic facts need to become common knowledge: in Sweden, an average of 200 people die every day from age-related diseases (out of 110,000 in the world as a whole). Aging itself is the largest risk factor for all major public diseases. And just over a third of all public expenditure goes to caring for the elderly.

Do we want this state of affairs to continue, now that we know that it’s possible to do something about it?

I, for one, say no. It’s time to solve aging!